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Psalm 25:4-5

Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths;

guide me in your truth and teach me,

for you are God my Savior, and my hope is in you all day long (NIV)

Drench yourself in words unspoken, Live your life with arms wide open,

Today is where your book begins, The rest is still unwritten. ("Unwritten" by Natasha Beddingfield)

It matters not how long we live, but how!

Friday, January 14, 2011

WOW Moment!

The Lord truly amazes me in ways He reaches out to reveal something to me that I totally missed....this time, literally, just the day before. When I read my Bible, I make a little 'tick-mark' in the margin of the page where I leave off. Well, I went to read the other day, starting with Nehemiah 2. So, God revealed SO much! WOW - how exciting!!!

Nehemiah 2:2 - so the king asked me, “Why does your face look so sad when you are not ill? This can be nothing but sadness of heart,” followed by 2:4 "Then I prayed to the God of heaven, and I answered the king,", followed by 2:6c "It pleased the king to send me; so I set a time."

See that? Nehemiah prayed first, and then the king was pleased & responded according to what God put on his heart! (caring king to notice & ask why he was sad in the first place, tho'!)

And then in 2:12 - "I had not told anyone what my God had put in my heart to do for Jerusalem".

It just demonstrates how much we can leave everything alone & trust everything to God, in silence...not shouting from the rooftops, but in trusting reverence simply leaving it with the Lord! But I was, obviously, reminded of Matthew 6:33 - But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

He makes the way!

Now, why this is my WOW moment....when I actually looked more closely....I had a tick-mark at Nehemiah 3, not 2. I was supposed to start at Nehemiah 3 that day. But the amazing thing is....I had just read Nehemiah 2 the day before & totally missed all that I just told you. There wasn't a single thing underlined in Nehemiah 2, not one. There is now, tho'! ;o}

I just figured...well, someone other than me needs to see/know this. Thus, this post is God's gift to you, through me! Thanks, Lord! I love when You use me to extend Your loving messages to the hearts of those needing to know it! I know You'll direct them here to read this.

Happy w/e my friends ~ Merana

Join us at Spiritual Sundays for so much strength in God's grace.


  1. What a wonderful and timely post you have shared today. Blessings to you this weekend.

  2. Thank you for sharing this insight with us. It's amazing how God directs these kinds of things.

  3. Hmm... maybe I'm one of the ones who gets to be blessed by this. I have a sadness of the heart right now, and it concerns my church.

    I know where I'm going for my next Bible reading time now. Thanks.

  4. I was one directed here today. Thank you for this wonderful word, Merana!

    I think you have reaffirmed the "formula" - PRAY first...THEN the Lord will direct our paths. It is only in stilling our minds and hearts in prayer, that we can hear the Lord speak.

    God saw Nehemiah's desires, and through prayer, He showed Nehemiah what to do. And I love this part, too - " I set a time." Nehemiah acted in obedience to God's leading.

    I pray for the same...


  5. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful insight from the Lord. We do often miss what the Lord is trying to teach us.


  6. It seems I always get it better the second time I read a scripture. I'm glad you read this Scripture twice.
    God Bless,

  7. Hi Merana,

    I like how this post speaks to the need to seek God in prayer. It is so easy to opt out of the prayer aspect and use my own agenda. I think it's like me saying to God how I want Him to respond to my needs. I'm thankful God doesn't ask my opinion.

    Blessings and peace.


  8. The older I get the more content I am to leave it with the Lord. If plans goes wrong, who cares, God is in control. God Bless you heaps.

  9. I love when He speaks so clearly...thanks Merana for this. Have a great weekend.

  10. Thanks for this!
    Happy New Year to you too!

  11. So glad God reveled His truth to you. Blessings, Debbie

  12. Hello Merana!
    Hmm, I'm not sure if my other comment was posted earlier! Thank you so much for being an encouragement and I pray you continue to grow from glory to glory in Him as you write.
    By the way I sent you an email to your quiet ministeries

  13. It was me...It was me that needed to hear that. I don't think I have ever noticed Nehemiah 2:2. I have been walking around sad with no reason but for the sadness in my heart. God wants to fill that sadness with joy! Thank you for listening to that still small voice and sharing. I'm going back to my quiet place and open up to Nehemiah right now.

  14. I love when the Lord leads us to where He wants us to read in His word. His Spirit speaks to our spirit, guiding us into all truth.
    Pray and seek Him first, then act.
    God's own advice.

    Thank you for your insight,

  15. Merana, it is so like us to let those important Godly lessons to slip past us. God intended for you to get that message and He orchestrated your reading it again. I love when the Lord does things like that. He is so awesome. Thanks so much for sharing and reminding us that God speaks when we least expect it. God bless, Dr. Bobbi

  16. There are so many times I read a Chapter or verse and don't understand it at all and others I have an AHA moment.

  17. Don't you just love when you discover something new in God's Word. May you continue to find delight in Merana. Have a blessed week.


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